Patrick Oliver’s
Reflecting prayerfully upon life’s journeys
“Soul School” is dedicated to helping the rediscovery of our soul, through the lens of the best of the Christian tradition. Patrick
regards the soul as our capacity to be truly present to those around us, and to the world in which we live – and therefore our capacity
to be truly present to the grace of God in which we’re held.
These courses are aimed at assisting us to befriend our soul – perhaps for the first time, or perhaps after a long period of inner drought.
They are designed to help us celebrate the movements of God’s grace within and around us through the years, whether or not we were able perceive these as grace at the time.
Each series is strongly undergirded by a practical and deep appreciation of the scriptures, which Patrick sees as a description of the “meta-story” of what it means to be transformed gradually into becoming fully human, and so more open to the fullness of grace.
Payment is preferred by direct deposit in a lump sum at the end of the series of presentations, if possible. Please put your name in the “Reference” section of the bank transfer form, so I can know from whom I am receiving the payment.
Name: Patrick Oliver BSB: 484799 A/c no: 031918974
(by Zoom, fortnightly Friday mornings)
As a spiritual director, I have encountered many people who for whatever reason have found that they may have outgrown traditional church structures, and can be uncomfortable with literal renditions of dogma and belief. Yet I find that often these are people who have let life and grace teach them, and who through their joys and struggles have come to a depth of compassion and faith that is beautiful and rich.
This zoom gathering aims to bring people together who have been reflecting on their journeys of faith, but may be scattered far and wide in geographical terms. My hope is that they can find some links with others who share their deep desire to reflect and live in tune with the Gospel authentically, gracefully and mercifully.
This is a follow-on from the enjoyable series that have been held since 2022.
During these sessions, I have used some input as a starting point for reflection and sharing. Participants last year have said that it was helpful as a review of life through the eyes of the soul, rather than through the traditional eyes of theology or scriptural literality. My aim is to encourage people to have confidence in what life has taught them, and that indeed, they may well have been living out the spirit of what’s expressed in the gospels, without actually naming it as such. During the sessions, there will be opportunities for participants to interact and to share what they have come to in their journey, and to savour gems of wisdom from others.
Friday mornings
21st February
7th March
14th March
28th March
4th April
10.00am – 11.30am (Brisbane time)
This series:
“A Soul Approach to re-appreciating Lent and the Passion of Jesus”
A minimum number of 10 participants is required.
Cost per series: $20 per session x 5 weeks each series = $100
A recording of each session is available to email for $10 if you can’t make the live presentations.
RSVP: Friday 14th February, to [email protected].